Web Design Pricing



Hour In-Person Brainstorm

Mobile Responsive

Social Media Integration

Google Maps

Mailing List Plugin

Contact Form

Photo Sourcing

2 Rounds of Revisions

*Plus $300 per Website Page

Example: 5-page website
(Home, About, Services, Blog, Contact) would cost $2,500



Hour In-Person Brainstorm

Mobile Responsive

Social Media Integration

Google Maps

Mailing List Plugin

Contact Form

Photo Sourcing

Google Analytics

Social Sharing

404 Redirect

3 Rounds of Revisions

*Plus $300 per Website Page

Example: 5-page website
(Home, About, Services, Blog, Contact) would cost $4,000



Hour In-Person Brainstorm

Mobile Responsive

Social Media Integration

Google Maps

Mailing List Plugin

Contact Form

Photo Sourcing

Content Management System

404 Redirect

XML Sitemap

Google Analytics

"How To" Tutorial

4 Rounds of Revisions

*Additional Pages $300 ea.

Example: 5-page website
(Home, About, Services, Blog, Contact) would cost $9,500

Harum et neque voluptate voluptatem

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